Yes, you can use Markdown to format messages to attendees. Check out our cheat sheet for tips.
Tito's Messages feature is designed to be lightweight and is intended for transactional emails. For marketing-style emails you may prefer to use a dedicated platform such as Mailchimp or Campaign Monitor. Read the full guide to Messages in Tito.
Can I insert an image in a Message?
To embed an image in a Tito Message, you first need to host it somewhere public online. Then copy the image link (usually by right-clicking on the image itself and choosing Copy image link from the menu) and paste it into your message in the following format:

The alt text is a description of the image and appears in square brackets, and the example URL should be replaced with the URL for your image, surrounded by round brackets.
Can I attach a file to a Message?
No. You'd need to host the file somewhere public online and then link to it from within your Message instead.