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Can I duplicate discount codes from one event to another?
Can I duplicate discount codes from one event to another?

How to use the same discount codes for multiple Tito events

Vicky Carmichael avatar
Written by Vicky Carmichael
Updated over a year ago

While we do offer the ability to duplicate your Tito events, some details don't get copied over automatically. This includes discount codes.

However, you can use import and exports in Tito to use the same discount codes on a duplicated event:

  • In your old event, click on Discount codes and then on Export under the blue cog

  • Choose Export to CSV, hit Download and wait for the file to save to your computer

  • In your new (duplicated) event, click on Discount codes and then on Import under the blue cog

  • Choose Import a CSV

  • Click Download Template (CSV)

  • Copy the Code, Type and Value cells from the exported discount code CSV from your original event

  • Paste these into the Code, Type and Value columns in the CSV import template

  • Optionally fill out the information in the remaining columns

  • Save your file as a .csv

  • In your new (duplicated event), drag the file into the box in Step 2

  • Finish your import

You'll notice that some columns don't match up directly from the exported discount code CSV file to the import template. For a smooth import, be sure not to edit the columns in the template.

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