Tito allows you to create custom Questions and attach them to tickets. Triggers allow you to add logic to link questions together so that a question is displayed only when another question is answered in a particular way.
How to create a trigger
Questions attached to tickets will always be shown. For questions that show dependent on the answer to another question, create a trigger.
In the Questions section, first create both your starting question(s) and any follow-up question(s). Attach any starting questions directly to the relevant ticket types, but leave the conditional follow-up questions unattached.
Click on the Triggers button in the heading row and them on New question trigger to get started:
Choose your starting question in the first dropdown, and then select which response should trigger the follow up question. Finally, select which question(s) to display based on this response, and save the form.
Now, when assigning and completing their ticket, if an attendee response to an attached question matches a trigger you've set up, the follow-up question(s) will also be shown.
In the Question summary you can easily see any triggers to or from each question: